Bioresonance Diagnostics F.A.Q.

The Bioresonance diagnostics is a fast, effective & affordable holistic practice.

Used to detect imbalances in electromagnetic fields inside the body. This helps medical professionals and scientists detect imbalanced food intoleransces. It's also used in a variety of other medical treatments and diagnoses.

The Bioresonance device helps investigate the functional condition of 47 Organs and 9 body systems.

It identifies patients medicine and food intolerances, the causes of allergic reactions, the level of vitamin absorption in your body. It can detect diseases or infections with parasites or microorganisms at an early stage.

How long does the Bioresonance test last:

Bio-resonance test is a quick, painless, and non-invasive assessment strategy that uses a machine to send and receive a tiny electrical impulse via electrodes connected to the ankles, wrists, and forehead. This machine measures the frequencies of the cells and tissues in the body. The test provides insights into:

general function of 47 organs & 9 systems in the body

• presence of microbes including fungi, viruses, bacteria, and parasites in various tissues in the body

• toxins affecting the body including pesticides, food additives, heavy metals, smoke, and more

• intolerances and allergies to foods and environmental triggers

• emotional and psychological factors that may be contributing to health problems

• nutrient deficiencies including vitamins and amino acids

How to Prepare for a Bioresonance Diagnostics Test of 47 Organce and 9 Systems:

Leading up to the testing:

1.Bring the list of medications and suplements you take.

2.Avoid alcohol for 2-3 days before testing.

3.Avoid contact with chemical substances like varnish, paint, and solvents the day before testing.

4. Avoid smoking 1 day before testing if possible

5.It's recommended NOT to be tested during menstruation.


1. It's best if you eat something 2 hours before the test.
2.Drink plenty of water the day of testing
3. Avoid coffee, strong tea, spicy foods, chocolate, citrus fruits, and chewing gum
4. Wear clothing made from natural fibers ( bamboo cotton, or wool clothing)
5. Avoid lotion, cosmetics, ointments, and face creams.
6. Do not wear some metal belt, or jewelry (everything you will remove it in office)

Detecting burdens precisely and individually.

With Bio-Res-Resonance Testing we typical use frequency patterns of any substance and quickly find out how it influences the patient’s body. The testing is completely painless and in the vast majority of cases we are able to find the burdens that cause the patient’s illness (e.g. bacteria, viruses, electro smog, dental materials, allergens, etc.).Once the specific burdens affecting the body are determined, a proper and effective treatment plan can be used to restore the body's regulatory processes in order for it to heal itself.

Does BioResonance testing hurt?

Absolutely not! Most people report feeling nothing at all. In rare cases, someone might experience what is described as a faint tingle or buzz sensation during the scan.

Are there any contraindications to bioresonance testing?

It is not an option to do the test if you have a pacemaker or if you have received an organ transplant.

It is not recommended to do testing if you have a tumour, bleeding disorder, epilepsy, known intolerance to electromagnetic exposure, an acute cerebral and coronary circulation disorder, or if you are in your first trimester of pregnancy. It is not an option to test infants under 1 year old.

Can I do bioresonance testing more than once?

Absolutely! It can be helpful to repeat the test at various points in your treatment journey to track progress and gain new insights into your health.

Is bioresonance testing safe and appropriate for children?

Yes! I Many kids have been successfully tested this way and it is a great option since it doesn't involve needles. However, your child will need to sit relatively still and quietly for about 7-10 minutes. It can be helpful to bring story books or an iPad to help distract your child during the scan if your child might otherwise squirm and want to pull off the electrode clips. It is not recommended to test infants under 1 year old.

How do I access my bioresonance test results after appointment?

Following your appointment, your report will be uploaded to your Email as Web Wellness report.

More questions? Feel free to contact us.